Mar. 25th — Making Things Move, Talk, See and Give Off Light: The Evolution of a Curriculum in Physical Computing
For over three decades, students at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design have studied methods of incorporating analog and digital electronics in their art practice through the Studio for Interrelated Media (SIM) program. In this presentation, two MassArt teachers will talk about the history of young artists working with code and hardware and the evolution of their tools and ideas. They will describe some of the issues that accompany teaching technology and how they’ve changed over time. And many juicy examples of art work will be screened and shown.
When: Wednesday, Mar. 25th, 7:30pm
Where: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green St., Jamaica Plain, MA
Presenters: Dana Moser and Fred Wolflink
Free event
RSVP to or on our Facebook event. Space is limited.
About the Presenters
Dana Moser
Dana Moser, film/video/installation artist, musician, teacher, and curator, is a professor in the Studio for Interrelated Media (SIM) department at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design.
He has created numerous shows of new media work in the Boston area including Electroland and The Ballad of Wires and Hands.
In addition to his own artwork and teaching, last year he presented “Lessons in Tech Activism” with Kendra Moyer and Steve Revilak at the LibrePlanet Conference at MIT. He also works with the Boston affiliation of May First/People Link, an international organization that provides information technology support for social justice movements.
Fred Wolflink
Captain Jennifer Hall, PhD. has called Fred the “consummate bricoleur.” He has an MFA from MassArt’s Studio for Interrelated Media, certificates in both Camera Repair and Radio & Television Repair, studied Electrical & Computer Engineering at MIT’s Lowell Institute, and machining with Steve Grimes. He has extensive experience repairing and modifying A-V and computer equipment. He has taught classes and workshops on using electronics and robotics to make artwork, as well as 19th century Photography processes. In his current role in MassArt’s Academic Technology Department, he has assisted hundreds of artists to realize their artworks serving as engineer, technician, programmer, and springboard. Occasionally he makes work of his own.