Nov. 19th: Nick Montfort
Digital media art, literature, and culture is full of work, and often very interesting work, that is based directly on what has come before—from Cory Archangel’s Super Mario Clouds to 1980s home video games based on arcade games to Eddo Stern’s Fort Paladin: America’s Army to the more than 20 remixes and reworkings of Nick Montfort’s Taroko Gorge. To understand what’s going on with these artworks, literary works, and games, we need to see how they relate to and how they are transforming earlier digital media. This ATNE Salon will tackle this issue.
When: Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 7:30pm
Where: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, 141 Green St., Jamaica Plain, MA
Presenter: Nick Montfort
Free event
RSVP to or on our Facebook event. Space is limited.
About Nick Montfort
Nick Montfort develops literary generators and other computational art and poetry. He has participated in dozens of literary and academic collaborations. He is associate professor of digital media at MIT and faculty advisor for the Electronic Literature Organization, whose Electronic Literature Collection Volume 1 he co-edited. Montfort wrote the book of poems Riddle & Bind and co-wrote 2002. The MIT Press has published four of Montfort’s collaborative and individually-authored books: The New Media Reader, Twisty Little Passages, Racing the Beam, and most recently 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10, a collaboration with nine other authors that Montfort organized.